Picture of the EcoCommons Australia stall for live demonstrations of the platform at the Biennial TERN Science Symposium.
EcoCommons Australia hosted a table at the recent TERN Science Symposium 2023 to promote the platform and demonstrate its impact to attendees.
The Symposium was held over two days, 26 and 27 July, at the Queensland State Library in Brisbane with over 400 people participating in-person or online.
At the table, the platform was set up to show attendees the powerful point and click workflows and the vast ecological datasets users can access. There was also literature about the platform and promotional materials.
Across the two days, lots of excited attendees approached the table to discuss the platform and find out how they could apply it to their work.
We specifically highlighted the recent integration of the two TERN products which allow users to access the Virtual Desktop Environment CoERSA and also species occurrence records from TERN’s EcoPlots data portal via an API connection for further modelling on the platform.
EcoCommons was joined at the Symposium by its partner platform Biosecurity Commons which also hosted a table, allowing both platforms to highlight the benefits of their shared architecture.
Dr Elisa Bayraktarov, EcoCommons Program Manager, said: “The Symposium was a fantastic opportunity for us to meet people and showcase what EcoCommons can do to those who are new to the platform and those who have heard about it. We were also able to have valuable discussions with colleagues from across Australia.”
The Director of TERN Australia, Dr Beryl Morris, said: “EcoCommons is an exemplar of what can be achieved when NCRIS-funded research infrastructure projects such as TERN and other organisations collaborate over a number of years, contributing data, models and associated services to the benefit of users of the platform.
“It was wonderful to have EcoCommons join the TERN Symposium this year to share the benefits it brings to the ecosystem community. Through TERN and EcoCommons, our researcher community can access ecosystem research infrastructure at all points along the environmental data pipeline – from data collected via TERN’s field-based ecosystem observatory using satellites, sensors and surveys, right through to data analytics and modelling for decision-making.”
The Biennial TERN Science Symposium 2023 was held to share ecosystem science research, technological development, data system innovation, collaboration and action.
Throughout the two days, there were talks covering land management, biodiversity stewardship, technology for conservation, ecosystem monitoring and lots more. You can watch the recordings.