Our team
Our team of dedicated scientists and IT professionals are proud to be building a world-first collaborative commons and digital ecological modelling platform.

Scientists and IT professionals
We aim to provide users with access to trusted, world-leading tools, allowing them to focus on impactful science. Our goal is to foster a culture of collaboration and interconnectedness, enabling users to find solutions to real-world problems with biodiversity at the core of our efforts.
Our strengths lie in our team’s unique skill sets and experience in conservation and data science, cloud architecture, software engineering, stakeholder engagement, and training. By integrating software development and IT operations, our agile team continuously delivers high-quality, user-driven tools efficiently and effectively.

Our team
Meet the amazing people working to bring EcoCommons to life.
Dr Sebastian Lopez Marcano
Principal Data Scientist
Dr Jenna Wraith
Senior Data Scientist
Abhimanyu Raj Singh
Data Ecologist
Xiang Zhao
Software Developer & R Specialist
Dr Ryan Newis
Software Developer (R Specialist)
Our partners
- EcoCommons Australia partners with the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), which is supported by funding from the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) https://doi.org/10.47486/PL108.